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Lead Time
PHHX2P1OEM NEWTouch Screen Digitizer Replacement for Honeywell LXE HX2$1425 days5 days
PHMX9P2OEM NEWLCD Module (without touch) Replacement for Honeywell LXE MX9$8415 days5 days
PHMX8POEM NEWLCD with Touch Screen Replacement for Honeywell LXE MX8(LQ280AC21G)$8420 days5 days
PHMX7POEM NEWLCD with Touch Replacement for Honeywell LXE MX7 Tecton$10015 days5 days
PHHX2P2NEWLCD Module Replacement for Honeywell LXE HX2$5625 days5 days
PHMX9K1NO-OEM NEWFront Cover Replacement for Honeywell LXE MX9$5615 days5 days
PHMX7K1-32NO-OEM NEWFront Cover (32-Key) Replacement for Honeywell LXE MX7 Tecton$4220 days5 days
PHMX7K1-56NO-OEM NEWFront Cover (56-KEY) Replacement for Honeywell LXE MX7 Tecton$2815 days5 days
PHMX7K2NO-OEM NEWBack Cover Replacement for Honeywell LXE MX7 Tecton$4215 days5 days
PHMX7K8NO-OEM NEWGun type Handle for Honeywell LXE MX7 Tecton$4215 days5 days
PHMX9A4-62OEM NEWNon-Original Keyboard (62-Key) for Honeywell LXE MX9$8435 days5 days
PHMX8A4-32OEM NEWKeypad (32-Key) Replacement for Honeywell LXE MX8$1420 days5 days
PHMX7A4-56OEM NEWKeypad Replacement (56-Key) for Honeywell LXE MX7 Tecton$1415 days5 days
PHMX7A4-32OEM NEWKeypad (32-Key) Replacement for Honeywell LXE MX7 Tecton$1420 days5 days
PHMX7A5-32OEM NEWKeypad Overlay (32-Key) Replacement for Honeywell LXE MX7 Tecton$77 days5 days
PHMX7A5-56OEM NEWKeypad Overlay (56-Key) Replacement for Honeywell LXE MX7 Tecton$77 days5 days
PHMX9A5-62OEM NEW62-Key Keypad overlay replacement for Honeywell LXE MX9$77 days5 days
PHMX8A5OEM NEWKeypad (32-Key) Overlay for Honeywell LXE MX8$77 days5 days
PHMX7L4OEM NEWNO-OEM Battery Connector Replacement for Honeywell LXE MX7$147 days5 days
PHMX8H2-YellowOEM NEWProtective Case for Honeywell LXE MX8(Yellow)$147 days5 days
PHMX8H2-BlackOEM NEWProtective Case for Honeywell LXE MX8(Black)$147 days5 days
PHMX7I1OEM NEW5 pcs Stylus for Honeywell LXE MX7 Tecton$77 days5 days
PHMX7I2NEWHandstrap for Honeywell LXE MX7 Tecton$11.215 days5 days
PHMX7P3NEWScreen protector for Honeywell LXE MX7 Tecton$77 days5 days
PH8620A2OEM NEWScan Trigger Replacement for Honeywell LXE 8620 Ring Scanner$4230 days5 days
PHMX7J1OEM NEW5PCS/Scanner Lens Replacement for Honeywell LXE MX7 Tecton$77 days5 days
PHMX9B1OEM NEWBattery for Honeywell LXE MX9(3400mAh)$4215 days5 days
PH8600A2OEM NEWScan Trigger Replacement for Honeywell LXE 8600 Ring Scanner$4230 days5 days
PHVM3P1OEM NEWTouch Screen (Digitizer) for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$8825 days5 days
PH75EP-OEMhoneywell dolphin 70e lcdOEM NEWLCD with Touch Digitizer for Honeywell Dolphin 75e (NO LOGO)$11215 days5 days
PHVM1P1OEM NEWTouch Screen (Non-heater Version) for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$4720 days5 days
PHVM2P1OEM NEWTouch Screen (Digitizer) for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$6915 days5 days
PHVM1P1-HOEM NEWTOUCH SCREEN with heater function for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$11225 days5 days
PHVM3P2OEM NEWLCD Module Replacement for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$11220 days5 days
PHVM2P2OEM NEWLCD Module Replacement for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$11220 days5 days
PHVM1P2OEM NEWLCD Module Replacement for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$1127 days5 days
PHVM1A4AOEM NEWKeypad (51-KEY) Replacement for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$2915 days5 days
PHVM1A5OEM NEWKeypad (51-KEY) Overlay Replacement for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$77 days5 days
PHVM1A11OEM NEWFunction Keys set Replacement for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$2815 days5 days
PHVM1A5-FunctionOEM NEWFunction Keys set Overlay Replacement for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$77 days5 days
PHVM2A4OEM NEWKeypad Replacement for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$2115 days5 days
PHVM1D3OEM NEWKeypad PCB for Honeywell HONEYWELL ® (2011069401031249)$21015 days5 days
PHVM1D5REFURBISHCharging PCB for Honeywell HONEYWELL ® (Part Numer: XLXF66-C)$4235 days5 days
PHVM1SX8OEM NEWCable for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$217 days5 days
PHVM1SX7OEM NEWITE Power Supply for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$4520 days5 days
PHVM2I1OEM NEW5 pcs Stylus for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$77 days5 days
PHVM1I1OEM NEW5 pcs Stylus for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$1425 days5 days
PHVM2P3OEM NEWScreen Protector for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$77 days5 days
PHVM3P3OEM NEWScreen Protector for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$77 days5 days
PHVM1P3OEM NEWScreen Protector for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$77 days5 days
PHVM2B1OEM NEWBattery (2250mAh) for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$4225 days5 days
PHCT50PKOEM NEWLCD with Touch Digitizer with Front Cover for Honeywell Dolphin CT50 (NO LOGO)$14825 days5 days
PHCT50I2OEM NEWHandstrap Replacement for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$127 days5 days
PHEDA70POEM NEWLCD with Touch Digitizer Replacement for Honeywell EDA70 (NO LOGO)$11225 days5 days
PHCT50I1OEM NEWStylus Set (5 pieces) Replacement for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$77 days5 days
PHCT60H4OEM NEWBracer Replacement for Honeywell HONEYWELL ®$4020 days5 days
PHCT60PNO-OEM NEWNEW LCD Module with Touch screen(for CT60, work on all version of the CT60 CPU)(NO LOGO)$8025 days5 days
PHEDA60KP1NEWTouch Screen For Honeywell EDA60K$2115 days5 days
PHCT60PKOEM NEWLCD with Touch Digitizer with Front Cover for Honeywell Dolphin CT60 (work on all version of the CT60 CPU)(NO LOGO)$14030 days5 days
PHEDA60KPKOEM NEWLCD Module with front cover For Honeywell EDA60K (NO LOGO)$11220 days5 days