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Lead Time
Lead Time
BZZT510T2OEM NEWPrinthead 203 dpi ZT510 P1083347-005$3507 days5 days
BZZT510T3OEM NEWPrinthead 300 dpi ZT510 P1083347-006$4907 days5 days
BZZT510ROEM NEWPlaten Roller ZT510 P1083347-012$847 days5 days
BZZT510K5OEM NEWControl Panel ZT510 P1083347-001$350Contact us5 days
BZZT510K3OEM NEWElectronics Cover ZT510 P1083347-002$280Contact us--
BZZT510K1OEM NEWMedia Cover ZT510 P1083347-003$490Contact us--
BZZT510K0OEM NEWCovers for options P1083320-092$56Contact us--
BZZT510F2OEM NEWFeet for printer P1083320-095$56Contact us--
BZZT510K9OEM NEWTear Trim Panel ZT510 P1083347-004$112Contact us--
BZZT510J1OEM NEWPrint Mechanism Hardware ZT510 P1083347-011$280Contact us--
BZZT510Z8OEM NEWPivot Bar & Toggle Assemblies ZT510 G41022M$210Contact us5 days
BZZT510Z9OEM NEWToggle Assembly Only ZT510 35099M$70Contact us--
BZZT510K12OEM NEWRibbon Strip Plate and Ribbon Static Brush ZT510 P1006095$70Contact us--
BZZT510D1OEM NEWMain Logic Board ZT510 P1083347-013$210Contact us--
BZZT510C5OEM NEWPower Supply ZT510, ZT600 Series P1083320-043$210Contact us5 days
BZZT510D19OEM NEWConnectivity PCBA ZT510, ZT600 Series P1083320-036$210Contact us--
BZZT510D12OEM NEWInternal Print Server IPv4 (Ethernet) ZT510 P1083320-039$112Contact us5 days
BZZT510D6-U&COEM NEWWireless Card USA and Canada ZT510 P1083320-037A$112Contact us--
BZZT510D6-JapanOEM NEWWireless Card Japan ZT510 P1083320-037B$112Contact us--
BZZT510D6-AllOEM NEWWireless Card All Countries except USA, Canada and Japan ZT510, ZT600 Series P1083320-037C$112Contact us--
BZZT510D20OEM NEWUSB Host Card ZT510, ZT600 Series P1083320-094$112Contact us5 days
BZZT510PMOEM NEWParallel Port Card ZT510 P1083320-040$112Contact us5 days
BZZT510S8OEM NEWPrinthead Open Sensor (includes sensor flag) ZT510 P1083320-053$56Contact us--
BZZT510S7OEM NEWReflective (Black Mark) Sensor ZT510 P1083347-031$56Contact us5 days
BZZT510S9OEM NEWTake Label Sensors ZT510 P1083320-052$210Contact us5 days
BZZT510S2-OutOEM NEWRibbon Out Sensor ZT510 P1083347-015$84Contact us5 days
BZZT510S4OEM NEWMedia Sensor ZT510 P1083347-030$168Contact us5 days
BZZT510BOEM NEWDrive Belt for the Main Drive System or Rewind Drive System. Works for all dpi. ZT510 P1083347-017$56Contact us5 days
BZZT510M5OEM NEWDrive Motor with Pulley Assembly. Works for all dpi. ZT510 P1083347-018$112Contact us--
BZZT510DS2OEM NEWMain Drive System ZT510 P1083347-016$210Contact us--
BZZT510DS3OEM NEWRewind Drive System ZT510 P1083347-019$210Contact us--
BZZT510Z5OEM NEWPeel/Tear Bar ZT510 P1006115$56Contact us--
BZZT510Z12OEM NEWMedia Guide Plate (Snap Plate) ZT510 P1053360-015$210Contact us5 days
BZZT510Z10OEM NEWMedia Guide ZT510 P1006106$210Contact us5 days
BZZT510Z13OEM NEWMedia Dancer ZT510 41691M$210Contact us5 days
BZZT510H3OEM NEWRibbon Take Up Spindle ZT510 G41150M$210Contact us--
BZZT510H2OEM NEWRibbon Supply Spindle ZT510 P1053360-007$210Contact us--
BZZT510R8OEM NEWRibbon Rollers ZT510 P1053360-009$140Contact us--
BZZT510Z1OEM NEWMedia Hanger ZT510 P1083347-029$210Contact us--
BZZT510H5OEM NEWReplacement Media Rewind Spindle (includes bearing) ZT510 G41155M$280Contact us--
BZZT510C1OEM NEWCutter Upgrade ZT510 P1083347-020$840Contact us5 days
BZZT510H5-AllOEM NEWMedia Rewind Upgrade ZT510 P1083347-021$910Contact us--
BZZT510K32OEM NEWCover with PCBA for Cutter (includes cable) ZT510 P1083347-022$280Contact us--
BZZT510K31OEM NEWCatch Tray for Cutter ZT510 P1083347-033$280Contact us--
BZZT510K33OEM NEWGuard with Static Brush for the Cutter ZT610 P1066612$280Contact us--
BZZT510K27OEM NEWRewind Roller Adjustment Plate (includes bearing) ZT510 P1006105$210Contact us--
BZZT510K30OEM NEWPlate for Media Rewind ZT510 P1083347-032$210Contact us--