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BZZT410K5-COEM NEWColor Control Panel ZT410. This item is for ZT410 printers that include the letter A in their part number: ZT410Ax-xxxxxxxx P1058930-400$210Contact us--
BZZT410K5-MOEM NEWMonochrome Control Panel ZT410. This item is for ZT410 printers that do NOT include the letter A in their part number: ZT4104x-xxxxxxxx P1058930-001$210Contact us--
BZZT420K5-COEM NEWColor Control Panel ZT420. This item is for ZT420 printers that include the letter A in their part number: ZT420Ax-xxxxxxxx P1058930-401$210Contact us--
BZZT420K5-MOEM NEWMonochrome Control Panel ZT420. This item is for ZT420 printers that do NOT include the letter A in their part number: ZT4206x-xxxxxxxx P1058930-041$210Contact us--
BZZT410R1OEM NEWRoller for the Peel Assembly ZT410 ZT411 77197M$112Contact us--
BZZT410K7OEM NEWMedia Cover (includes window) ZT410 P1058930-004$140Contact us--
BZZT400K3OEM NEWElectronics Cover ZT400 Series P1058930-003$140Contact us--
BZZT410K11OEM NEWFront Lower Panels ZT410 (includes tear and peel panels) P1058930-006$140Contact us--
BZZT420K7OEM NEWMedia Cover (includes window) ZT420 ZT421 P1058930-005$140Contact us--
BZZT420K11OEM NEWFront Lower Panels ZT420 ZT421 (includes tear and peel panels) P1058930-007$140Contact us--
BZZT400UK-singleOEM NEWCover for the single port USB (Qty 3) ZT400 Series. This item is for ZT400 Series printers that do NOT include the letter A in their part number: ZT4xxxx_x005f_x0002_xxxxxxxx P1058930-002$140Contact us--
BZZT410Z7OEM NEWThermal Transfer Print Mechanism ZT410 (includes ribbon sensor with cable, printhead cables, ground contact and magnets) P1058930-016$700Contact us5 days
BZZT420Z7OEM NEWThermal Transfer Print Mechanism ZT420 (includes ribbon sensor with cable, printhead cables, ground contact and magnets) P1058930-017$700Contact us--
BZZT400UK-dualOEM NEWCover for the dual port USB (Qty 3) ZT400 ZT411 ZT421 Series. This item is for ZT400 Series printers that include the letter A in their part number: ZT4xxAx-xxxxxxxx P1058930-404$140Contact us--
BZZT410Z8OEM NEWToggle Bar (includes lift strap) ZT410 ZT411 P1058930-018$700Contact us--
BZZT420Z8OEM NEWToggle Bar (includes lift strap) ZT420 ZT421 P1058930-019$700Contact us--
BZZT420K19OEM NEWLock/Retainer for the Platen Roller ZT400 Series P1058930-027$42Contact us--
BZZT420C7OEM NEWCoupler for Platen Roller ZT400 Series 79862M$42Contact us--
BZZT410D6-SingleOEM NEWSingle Port USB PCBA ZT400 Series. This item is for ZT400 Series printers that do NOT include the letter A in their part number: ZT4xxxx-xxxxxxxx P1058930-029$84Contact us--
BZZT400C5OEM NEWPower Supply ZT400 Series P1058930-032$210Contact us--
BZZT400D1OEM NEWMain Logic Board ZT400 Series P1058930-402$280Contact us--
BZZT400D14-n-U&COEM NEWZebraNet Internal Wireless 802.11 n radio ZT400 Series USA & Canada. P1058930-097A$112Contact us--
BZZT400D14-n-JapanOEM NEWZebraNet Internal Wireless 802.11 n radio ZT400 Series Japan. P1058930-097B$112Contact us--
BZZT400D14-n-AllOEM NEWZebraNet Internal Wireless 802.11 n radio ZT400 Series for all countries except USA, Canada or Japan. P1058930-097C$112Contact us--
BZZT410D6OEM NEWDual Port USB PCBA ZT400 Series. This item is for ZT400 ZT411 ZT421 Series printers that include the letter A in their part number: ZT4xxAx-xxxxxxxx P1058930-403$84Contact us--
BZZT400D14-ac-U&COEM NEWZebraNet Internal Wireless 802.11 ac radio ZT400 Series USA & Canada. This item is only compatible with ZT400 ZT411 ZT421 Series printers using firmware version V75.20.14Z or later. P1083320-037A$112Contact us--
BZZT400D14-ac-JapanOEM NEWZebraNet Internal Wireless 802.11 ac radio ZT400 Series Japan. This item is only compatible with ZT400 ZT411 ZT421 Series printers using firmware version V75.20.14Z or later. P1083320-037B$112Contact us--
BZZT400D14-ac-AllOEM NEWZebraNet Internal Wireless 802.11 ac radio ZT400 Series for all countries except USA, Canada or Japan. This item is only compatible with ZT400 Series printers using firmware version V75.20.14Z or later. P1083320-037C$112Contact us--
BZZT400D12OEM NEWInternal Printserver (Ethernet port) ZT400 Series P1058930-074$112Contact us--
BZZT400D15OEM NEWParallel Port ZT400 Series P1058930-075$112Contact us--