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BZZT400D18-AllOEM NEWRFID Module Global (All countries except USA, Canada, Japan) ZT400 Series P1058930-500C$280Contact us--
BZZT420S9OEM NEWTake Label Sensor ZT400 ZT411 ZT421 Series P1058930-077$140Contact us--
BZZT400DS1OEM NEWDrive System ZT400 Series (includes gears, belts and pulleys for 203 dpi and 300/600 dpi) P1058930-039$112Contact us--
BZZT400M2OEM NEWDrive Motor ZT400 Series P1058930-040$56Contact us--
BZZT400B2OEM NEWDrive Belt 203 dpi ZT400 Series 79866M$56Contact us--
BZZT410Z1OEM NEWStandard Media Hanger for 3" (76mm) diameter media cores ZT410 ZT411 P1058930-042$196Contact us5 days
BZZT420Z1OEM NEWStandard Media Hanger ZT420 ZT421 P1058930-043$196Contact us--
BZZT410H2OEM NEWRibbon Supply Spindle ZT410 ZT411 P1058930-085$210Contact us5 days
BZZT410H2-InsideOEM NEWRibbon Supply Spindle: For Ribbons Coated Inside Only ZT410 ZT411 79830M$210Contact us5 days
BZZT420H2OEM NEWRibbon Supply Spindle ZT420 ZT421 79829M$210Contact us--
BZZT410H3OEM NEWRibbon Take Up Spindle ZT410 ZT411 P1058930-045$210Contact us--
BZZT420H3OEM NEWRibbon Take Up Spindle ZT420 ZT421 P1058930-046$210Contact us--
BZZT410Z15OEM NEWMedia Shelf ZT410 ZT411 P1058930-047$140Contact us5 days
BZZT420Z15OEM NEWMedia Shelf ZT420 ZT421 P1058930-048$140Contact us--
BZZT410ZOEM NEWTear Bar ZT410 ZT411 79837M$140Contact us--
BZZT420Z5OEM NEWTear Bar ZT420 ZT421 79838M$140Contact us--
BZZT410C1OEM NEWCutter Option ZT410 ZT411 P1058930-189$700Contact us5 days
BZZT410Z5OEM NEWPeel Assembly ZT410 P1058930-098$560Contact us--
BZZT420Z3OEM NEWPeel Assembly ZT420 P1058930-051$560Contact us5 days
BZZT421C1OEM NEWCutter Option ZT420 ZT421 P1058930-190$700Contact us--
BZZT410H6OEM NEWLiner Take Up Spindle & Motor ZT410 ZT411 (To enable liner take up functionality, also order the P1058930-098 peel assembly) P1058930-052$42Contact us5 days
BZZT410K31OEM NEWCatch Tray for Cutter ZT410 ZT411 77041$140Contact us--
BZZT410K32OEM NEWCover for the Cutter includes PCBA and cutter cable ZT410. This item is only for replacing cutter PCBA part number P1059429-01 or cutter cover part number P1053981-1. The PCBA included in this kit is only compatible with the included flat end cutter guard. P1058930-091$140Contact us--
BZZT420K32OEM NEWCover for the Cutter includes PCBA and cutter cable ZT420. This item is only for replacing cutter PCBA part number P1059429-01 or cutter cover part number P1057226-1. The PCBA included in this kit is only compatible with the included flat end cutter guard. P1058930-092$140Contact us--
BZZT420K31OEM NEWCatch Tray for Cutter ZT420 ZT421 77997$140Contact us--
BZZT411K32OEM NEWCover for the Cutter includes PCBA and cutter cable ZT410 ZT411. P1058930-102$140Contact us--
BZZT410K33-AEOEM NEWReplacement Static Brush & Cutter Guard with the Angled End Sensor Flag (old design) ZT410. Order this replacement item if the printer currently has an Angled End cutter guard installed. 79864M$280Contact us--
BZZT420K33-AEOEM NEWReplacement Static Brush & Cutter Guard with the Angled End Sensor Flag (old design) ZT420. Order this replacement item if the printer currently has an Angled End cutter guard installed. 79865M$280Contact us--
BZZT421K32OEM NEWCover for the Cutter includes PCBA and cutter cable ZT420 ZT421. P1058930-103$140Contact us--
BZZT410K33-FEOEM NEWReplacement Static Brush & Cutter Guard ZT411. P1066612$280Contact us--